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The Quad Experience


This is the closest I've been able to simulate the difficulties I've had to overcome in learning how to even use my computer as a quadriplegic. My goal is to learn how to use any computer with the minimum of specialized equipment so I can plop down in front of any computer anywhere. This exercise will show just a small sample of the frustrations (and eventual elations) I've had to overcome.


Remember, No Fingers Allowed!


To understand my playstyle, first we must get rid of your fingers! Don't worry, we'll just immobilize them and rob them of feeling. You will need:




Heavy Leather Workgloves

Duct Tape

Now put on the gloves, and wrap them from fingers to wrist (include your thumb!) making sure you have about 6 or 7 layers of tape. This should simulate 2 things, that much tape will effectively prevent your fingers from not only being able to move individually, but take your ability to grasp. If you can still grasp things, add more tape. You also have my sensation of touch (or lack of). So let the fun begin!


Using your computer and programs that came with it and a pencil with duct tape, wear the taped gloves and write me an E-mail at . That's it! If you can do that, imagine trying to play World of Warcraft, or just living life like that. In the end though, I did add what I'm now calling my flat joystick (Microsoft Strategic Commander), but that's it!


So to all my friends, and anyone else interested, I issue this challange. Video your experiment and post it just to bring awareness of some of the challanges people go through every day just to use a computer! Send me the link and I will post them and send them out via twitter!


Good luck and I hope to hear from y'all soon!


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